Befriending your inner mean girl

Last night I woke up at 1:15am and couldn’t go back to sleep. 

I tossed and turned for a few hours and knew there was going to be a message for me. 

Two sentences came to me: She’s on the precipice, as her demons call….

A visual appeared of me standing on the precipice of a large mountain, looking over the vast terrain before me. I also saw myself turning my head to look back at what was trying to keep me in my place. My demons so to speak. 

This morning in my journaling time, a poem came pouring out of me, well, I’m not so sure it would be considered an actual poem, but words flowed and fell onto the page at a rapid pace. :)

I realized, the demons, the limiting beliefs and old stories that keep us stuck, are keeping us from leaping from the precipice into all the possibilities that are available to us. 

Me included. 

I always share with you authentically. Just because I do this work, doesn’t mean I’m immune from my demons and inner mean girl. 

Old stories of “not enough” plagued me last night. They taunted me and tried really hard to pull me back into my pattern of self-sabotage. 

As I lie awake in the ungodly hours of the night, and wrestled with my demons, I also wondered if you wrestle with yours. 

How do your demons show up? 

What does your inner mean girl say to you? 

How do you respond? 

Do you allow them to pull you back into old patterns and beliefs? 

Are you able to thank them for showing up and befriend them? 

One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that when our inner mean girl and old demons show up, it’s usually because of fear and resistance… 

and that it’s totally normal to have them show up. 

Fears don’t ever really go away and neither does resistance. 

They’re not supposed to. 

Fear and resistance stretch us, if we let them. 

I thanked my inner mean girl this morning, along with my demons, and was able to feel into the fear and resistance. 

If you wrestle with your inner mean girl and demons, here is a helpful practice to create awareness around them:

  1. Identify the negative thought.  

  2. Explore the negative thought. Where is it coming from? What’s underneath it? 

  3. Consciously choose a new thought. Is the thought actually true? (It’s so important to differentiate between what’s true and what’s a story or inaccurate).

  4. Ask yourself from your highest wisdom: What do you want me to know? How does this new thought feel? Who would you be if you chose to really believe this new thought? 

  5. Practice your new thought to create a new neural pathway. 

What would be possible for you if you were to believe this new thought? 

What possibilities are you looking out at as you stand on the precipice? 

What is an action you can take today to really allow this new thought to take root? 

I don’t talk a lot about the work I do one on one with clients. My group work tends to take a lot of the focus. I realized last night that by me not sharing this, there are women who are missing out, possibly you.  

My one on one work is tailored to your needs. 

I believe with everything I am that women are going to heal and transform this world. 

It’s my sacred purpose to create a safe and sacred container for you to show up authentically, transform what’s been standing in your way, and create the life you desire. 

Each one of us has a different vision for our lives, but many women allow their demons and inner mean girl to take control so they never jump from the precipice to create the life they dream of. 

Is this you? 

Do you believe your dreams can’t become your reality? 

Do you believe the story your inner mean girl/demons tell you? 

What would be different if you could truly step in, heal feminine wounds, and reclaim your power? 

I invite you to take some time today with the exercise/process I share above. See what comes up for you? 

If you’re ready to step-in and do the work to create a life you absolutely love, comment below and let’s start a conversation. 

As Always….

Stay Wild, 



Embracing the Winter Solstice: Reflection, Release, and Renewal for 2024


Navigating the Roller Coaster of Healing: It’s Messy and That’s Okay