Beyond the Choice…
I know it can be scary to step back into this wound. It can be incredibly painful and brings up so many different and difficult emotions. I do know that living in shame & secrecy is no way to live, because I lived there for 17 years.
I didn’t want to go back.
Recognizing the decision I made had impacted me on a level I didn’t know was possible. I believed them when they told me, “your life will go back to normal after the procedure,” but it never did.
I was forever changed. I hurt. I was angry. I was sad. I felt alone.
How could I grieve when I so willingly made this choice?
I finally found the courage to seek healing. I was terrified to walk into a group of other women and share my story. Would they judge me? Would the criticize me? Would they shun me?
Every fear I had reared it’s ugly head, yet there was this tiny voice inside of me that told me to step-in.
So I did.
I stepped in scared.
I stepped in full of resistance.
But I stepped in, and I grieved, and I cried, and I released anger and hurt, and I was held in the most sacred container of women who loved me through it all.
I healed, and in that healing, I found my voice. I took back my power, and I connected with myself on a deeper level. I forgave myself and I learned to love that little 16 year old girl who made that choice.
There was freedom in the journey. A freedom from a cage I was locked in with no key to get out.
Until I realized I had the power to unlock the cage all along. I held the key.
Sharing our story takes away its power.
Allowing ourselves to grieve brings healing to an otherwise festering wound.
Shining a light on one of our darkest places allows us to shine once again and come back to ourselves.
Healing is so many things.
It’s grieving.
It’s releasing.
It’s validating.
it’s remembering.
It’s embracing.
It’s allowing.
It’s showing up even when you don’t want to.
and it’s here for you in this incredible 6-week journey: Beyond the Choice.
We’ll journey together, going back to our story, sharing it in a safe and sacred container, allowing our emotions to surface so that we can release them. We’ll connect and release this sacred soul and forgive ourselves and those involved and in the end, we’ll walk in fearless, fabulous freedom, together.
You deserve to heal.
You deserve to grieve.
You deserve to forgive yourself.
Are you ready to give your sacred yes to this journey of healing and wholeness?
Register ————> HERE