Healing the Sister Wound

The sister wound runs deep my friends.

After my post on instagram yesterday, I had so many messages about sister wounds.

Women are afraid to show up in circle, because they’ve been hurt and betrayed by women in their past. They are terrified to be vulnerable in front of other women, for fear of that hurt and betrayal happening again.

I totally get it.

I too have plenty of sister wounds, and I am sure I have caused some in my lifetime as well.

Women have been pitted against each other for years, via competition, looks, whether you’re married or not, choose to have kids or not, what career you’re in, stay at home mom etc. the list can go on and on.

It’s actually disgusting if you think about it. Who started this rivalry between women?

I’ll get into that another day.

But, what I want to share with you is the women who show up in circle are just like you.

They are scared to trust other women, they are afraid of being judged or criticized, they are suspicious of the other women’s motives, they think all the other women have it together except them…. I could keep going but I think you get the picture.

What happens in circle is medicine.

It heals these wounds.

It opens us up to relationship and community with other women.

It shows us were not all that different at all.

It binds us together instead of tearing us apart.

It celebrates who we are individually, and lets us express ourselves without hesitation.

It soothes our soul.

It creates beautiful relationships and restores trust.

Each woman who shows up in circle is searching.

She is searching for a safe place to land. A place where she can show up and just “be” without any mask on. She is searching for community and deep relationships, and she is wanting to dive deep into her soul’s work and expand.

Healing our sister wounds is a big part of healing our world. We need it and our world needs it.

If you think about your sister wounds, how have they stopped you from stepping into your truth?


Uncovering Your Divine Essence


Break Chains, Release Soul Ties