The womb. The voice. The choice.

These three elements are deeply intertwined in our stories as women, shaping our experiences and the ways we move through the world. When we begin to understand and nurture these aspects of ourselves, we unlock the door to profound healing and transformation.

The Womb: Your Sacred Space

Your womb is more than a physical organ. It’s the center of your creativity, intuition, and life force energy. Yet, it’s also where we often hold the pain of unspoken traumas: grief from loss, societal expectations, or even the pressure to always be “enough.”

What you can do today:
- Place your hands gently over your womb and take a few deep breaths. Visualize a warm, healing light surrounding this sacred space. Let it remind you of the power and wisdom you hold within.

The Voice: Befriending Your Inner Mean Girl

That voice in your head—the one that criticizes, doubts, or compares—isn’t there to destroy you. It’s trying to protect you from pain. But often, it keeps you stuck in old patterns of shame and self-doubt.

What you can do today:
- Next time your inner mean girl speaks up, pause and ask: “What are you trying to protect me from?” Write down what comes up. This small act of curiosity can begin to shift the dynamic from judgment to understanding.

The Choice: Finding Peace Beyond the Pain

Whether it’s the choice to end a pregnancy, leave a toxic relationship, or simply say no to something that doesn’t serve you, our choices carry immense weight. The aftermath can feel like a tangle of emotions—grief, guilt, or even confusion.

But choices are also an opportunity for growth and healing. They remind us of our power to shape our lives, even when the path feels heavy.

What you can do today:
- Take a moment to honor a choice you’ve made, even if it was difficult. Light a candle, journal about the lessons it taught you, or simply place a hand on your heart and say, “I did my best with what I knew.”

Your Path Forward

The womb. The voice. The choice. Each of these holds a piece of your story, your pain, and your potential. Healing isn’t about fixing something broken—it’s about remembering your wholeness.

Small, intentional practices like these can help you reconnect with yourself. They’re not just acts of self-care; they’re acts of reclaiming your sacred power.

You are worthy of this journey. You are worthy of healing.

With love and light,


P.S. Book mark this blog post as a reminder to revisit these practices whenever you need a moment of grounding or inspiration. 🌙

Resources available to you:

Healing Starts Here Bundle available ---->HERE

Beyond the Choice Self Paced Healing Journey -------> HERE

Root of Renewal ------> HERE


Grief, Growth, and Transformation: A Year in Reflection


How to Talk Back to Self-Doubt (and Your Inner Mean Girl)