This is Controversial
Yesterday, I had a conversation with someone who asked me what I did. I shared that I facilitated women’s circles and also facilitated healing groups for post-abortive women. They were fascinated and supportive, however knowing their background, I knew the question was coming.
So are you pro-life?
I responded: I’m pro-women
It’s not up to me to decide what is right or wrong for a woman.
I have no idea what they’ve been through to make the decision to have an abortion.
No matter how many laws get changed, women are always going to find a way to have an abortion if that is their choice.
It’s not up to me to try to persuade any one of anything and it’s certainly not up to me to judge or condemn anyone.
There has been a war on women for millennia.
I mean, we only received the right to vote in 1920 and up until the 70’s women couldn’t take out a credit card without their husband’s signature.
My assignment, while I’m here earthside, is to support women, be a safe place for them to land, and help them heal from one of their deepest wounds. Period.
One of the hardest decisions of a woman’s life, isn’t anyone else’s to make.
Whether you feel one way or another about it, this decision is agonizing.
I know, because I was there myself, and have worked with countless women who have shared their stories with me.
What I know for sure is that many post abortive women need healing. Not all, but many.
Some women have an abortion and are not impacted negatively.
However, there are a large majority of us, who are impacted negatively, and we don’t need the opinions, judgements or criticisms of others piled on top of that.
So I will continue this incredible journey that I have been assigned and be a safe place for post abortive women to land and heal.
I will share loudly, and not allow the judgments and criticisms of others to impact this vital work.
Too many women are suffering silently.
Too many women have heard “my body, my choice,” and then are rejected when they share that they are having a difficult time.
Too many women are carrying around heavy emotions that need to be released and healed.
And I intended to help as many as I can.
If that’s you, please know I am here.
I have a free support group on Facebook that you can join ————> HERE
I have an ebook/journal that you can download to begin your healing journey ————> HERE
A new group for Beyond the Choice 6 week post abortion healing journey begins March 12th. You can hop on the waitlist ———> HERE
I feel incredibly honored that I get to do this work.
I am deeply honored that the women who step-in with me trust me with one of their deepest wounds.
If you’re post-abortive woman, please know, I am here. However I can support you on your healing journey, I will.
With so much love and honor,