Womb Prompts & Affirmations

15 journal prompts and affirmations to use for womb healing:


  1. What emotions or past experiences do I need to release and heal in relation to my womb?

  2. How can I cultivate a loving and nurturing relationship with my womb?

  3. What practices or rituals can I incorporate into my daily routine to support my womb healing journey?

  4. How can I honor and celebrate the wisdom and power of my womb?

  5. What self-care practices can I prioritize to promote balance and harmony within my reproductive system?

  6. What beliefs or societal expectations do I need to let go of to embrace my feminine essence fully?

  7. How can I deepen my connection with my womb and tap into its intuitive guidance?

  8. What steps can I take to create a safe and sacred space for my womb healing journey?

  9. What boundaries do I need to set to protect my womb's well-being and honor my needs?

  10. How can I cultivate forgiveness and compassion towards myself and my womb?


  1. My womb is a sacred space of love, healing, and creative power.

  2. I honor and respect my womb, nurturing it with love and care.

  3. I release any past traumas and embrace the healing energy flowing through my womb.

  4. I trust my body's wisdom and support its natural healing processes.

  5. I am worthy of vibrant health, balance, and vitality within my reproductive system.

  6. I invite divine feminine energy to flow freely through my womb, nurturing my mind, body, and spirit.

  7. I am grateful for the strength and resilience of my womb, appreciating its miraculous nature.

  8. I listen deeply to the whispers of my womb and honor its intuitive guidance.

  9. My womb is a source of creativity and inspiration, and I allow its wisdom to guide my life's path.

  10. I forgive myself for any pain or neglect I have carried within my womb and choose to embrace healing and love.

Remember to personalize these prompts and affirmations to resonate with your own experiences and intentions. They can serve as powerful tools to set positive intentions, reframe beliefs, and create a nurturing mindset for your womb healing journey.


Womb Healing Meditation


Seven Self-Care Rituals that Support Womb Health