Emerging from the Darkness
I am reemerging from a period of darkness. It’s as if I went into a cave to hibernate for a while.
The cave can be a lonely place, but I believe it’s a necessary one. It’s also one many women don’t like to go to. Coming face to face with our darkness isn’t easy.
I’ve cried many tears over the last few months, have asked myself “what’s the point of it all more times then I like to admit, and have felt extremely lonely, even when surrounded by amazing family and friends.
If I’m honest, the last year has been extremely difficult in many ways. Amid the happy and fun times (and there have been plenty of these), there has been a lot of grieving and letting go of things and people in my life that needed to be released.
I realize from the outside looking in my life can look pretty great (and it is, don’t get me wrong), but I am also human and there are times in my life where things just feel extremely heavy.
I have said to my husband numerous times that I just want to run away because the weight of my emotions and the things happening in our lives.
The old me would have run. One of my old patterns is the leaving pattern, so when things get hard or difficult, I run and would rather not deal with them.
I’ve worked on this pattern for a very long time, and it still rears its ugly head when things get difficult. I don’t leave, but I definitely retreat when things become heavy.
I share this with you because I have spoken to many women over the last few months who have felt similar things.
Life feels heavy, they want to run, burn it all down and give up.
I get it because that’s where I have been for the past year, especially the last few months.
And there’s always a but.
Being in the cave (the darkness) is where we come face to face with ourselves. Our shadows can often feel scary, but they are in fact, a part of us and are incredibly powerful when we accept them.
This illusion that society has created for women that we have to have it all together, can’t show our emotions because we’ll appear weak, can’t ask for help because we’ll again appear weak and unable to handle things, have to take care of everyone else before ourselves because it’s selfish to put ourselves first, is complete and utter bullshit.
Even though I’ve been in this place of darkness, I have shared with close friends and have been completely honest and real about how I was feeling.
To be able to say to someone, I WANT TO BURN IT ALL DOWN, and not be judged and have another woman hold that space and encourage me to get it all out, no matter what it sounds like, and NOT give me advice, just say I hear you and I’m holding you, is a breath of fresh air.
That’s the power of gathering with other women.
That’s the power of vulnerability.
That’s the power of inner work.
That’s the power of meeting our shadows and harnessing their power.
On Monday, November 27th @ 7:00pm EST I’m going to be hosting an online Wild Hearted Women’s Circle. I’m bringing these back because I know how important they are and quite honestly, I need them.
We’re going to be harnessing our inner Warrioress. We’ll share where we’ve been stuck and what we’ve been wanting to burn down. We’ll take back our power and activate our courage and confidence to step into our most empowered self.
Will you join me?
Limited spots are available for this intimate gathering.
Register ————-> HERE
I hope to see you there and I hope by sharing my own humanness it encourages you do to the same. We don’t have to hide our truth, even when it feels dark and heavy. There’s power in sharing it with other women in a safe and sacred way.
I invite you to step in and experience the magic and medicine of gathering with other women.