Why healing is vital to reclaiming your power.
As women, we often get stuck in our wounds without even recognizing how they are playing out in our lives.
Our wounds make us put up walls, question our worth, self sabotage, be suspicious of others motives, isolate, and tolerate unhealthy behaviors from others. (This list could be longer, but you get my drift).
When we ignore how our wounding is showing up in our lives, we aren’t living authentically. We’re dimming our light and giving away our power, for the sake of “staying safe.”
But there really isn’t safety in not living in alignment with our truth. In fact, the foundation on which we stand is fractured, because we have a false sense of who we are.
We’re not living our truth. We’re hiding from it.
Our wounds often come from others, their words and actions toward us, and sometimes they are even self inflicted by the limiting beliefs and negative mindset we play on loop.
So how the hell do we figure out what needs to heal and where do we even start?
First, you start by acknowledging you need to heal. Then you recognize how that has been showing up for you.
A few years back, I recognized my pattern of self-sabotage. It was such an a-ha moment for me, because I had never seen it before. Yet, there it was staring me in the face, taunting me, because I was yet again, ready to throw in the towel on one of my dreams.
After some work, It became so clear to me. Underneath my self sabotage were the limiting beliefs of “I’m not good enough and I’m not enough.”
Peeling back these layers wasn’t easy. They went all the way back to my childhood and had pervasively ingrained themselves in my beliefs, which impacted my life in so many negative ways.
Unhealthy Relationships
Unhealthy Boundaries
Self Sabotage
Low Self-Esteem & Self Worth
Unregulated Emotions
Lack of Trust in my abilities
This was something I needed to heal and let go of because it was blocking me from stepping into my power.
Allowing myself to sit in the discomfort of this truth enabled me to heal them.
Today, I am going to ask you three powerful questions. I invite you to grab some paper and a pen and spend some time on them.
Is there something that’s blocking you?
Is there something you need to let go of?
What’s working and not working so well in your life right now?
The start of making lasting, positive changes in your life, reclaiming your power and creating a life you love, is getting real with those things that aren’t working.
It’s getting honest with yourself, instead of shoving things below the surface and not dealing with them.
Where do you need to be honest with yourself?
Take some time this week to really dig into these questions. Put on some soft music, light some candles and spend some time in the discomfort that is sure to come up. Ask for guidance from source, God, your angels and guides, and be open to what is revealed to you. Journal what comes up for you. Don’t overthink it, just write whatever flows up.
Part of the healing process is getting uncomfortable. Part of taking back your power, is being willing to play your edge and sit in that discomfort.
Are you willing?
I’d love to hear what’s coming up for you around this topic. Leave a comment below.
As Always….
Stay Wild,