No one’s coming to save you…

Whoa, that sounds kinda harsh. 

I remember the first time someone said that to me, I was deeply offended. 

But as I’ve grown and expanded on my journey, and healed so many parts of myself, I realized that statement is completely true. 

No one was coming to save me. If I wanted different, if I wanted to heal, if I wanted to improve my life in any way, shape or form, then I had to do the work. 

No one was going to do it for me. No one was going to wave a magic wand and make my life perfect. There’s no such thing as perfect BTW. It’s a myth. 

For years, I constantly looked outside of myself for answers. I looked to other people to fix me and fill my cup. 

Guess what? It always left me disappointed and worse off, because no one can fix me or fill my cup. 

When it comes to the life you desire, you have to do the inner work. 

Everything you want is already inside of you, you just have to clear out the blocks to get to them. 

Aligning yourself with people who can guide you, give you the tools to do the deep work, and create a safe environment for you to do so, is where it’s at. 

Believing someone has all the answers for you isn’t it. 

I’ve worked with many amazing mentors, facilitators, therapists, over the years, and through all of them, I have peeled back layers, healed, grown and expanded. 

Not because they had the answers, but because they guided me to go within and to trust myself to find my own answers. 

It can be incredibly scary and uncomfortable to go within. Every time I step into any retreat or session, fear and my inner mean girl rear their ugly heads. 

Our ego (inner mean girl) wants to keep us safe, so she’s constantly showing up and giving out signals to abort mission, when we get uncomfortable. 

But getting uncomfortable is where it all begins. Saying yes to yourself and stepping in, is where this journey of honoring yourself and embodying your truth, is at. 

You know where I’m going with this…. 

What do you desire?  

What blocks are standing in the way of you receiving/achieving your desires? 

Have you been waiting for someone to save you or expecting others to fill your cup? 

What keeps you from stepping into the uncomfortable and doing the deep work? 

Take some time today or this week and really sit with these questions. Allow yourself to open to them and answer them honestly. 

And if they  make you uncomfortable, good! I say that with all the love and honor in the world, because I know getting uncomfortable is the first step to change. 

And if you’re up for sharing, leave a comment below and share what’s coming up for you. 

Stay Wild, 



A Return to the Sacred


🌸 You Deserve to Take up Space 🌸