The Healing Medicine of Circle
One of the things that I love most about gathering in circle is the Ah-ha moments that come up for each woman.
Circle isn’t therapy. There isn’t a place for trying to fix someone in circle or to give them advise.
Each woman receives what’s needed for them individually.
As we circle, we become aware of our inner voice. The voice that we often shut down or ignore because we’re so conditioned by society to do so.
Circle provides each woman the space to connect to herself on a deeper level.
It’s in this gathering where answers are revealed, connection is made and expansion happens.
I love sharing in circle. There’s so much beauty in sharing our shit and realizing just speaking the words and letting them out from within is divine medicine.
As women, we tend to hide what’s really going on inside of us. We “everything’s fine” our way through life, when in reality we’re emotionally exhausted, disconnected from ourselves and longing for our authentic selves to shine.
Yet, we don’t let ourselves for fear of what others will think.
We allow the programs of our past to define us and direct us, instead of tying into our souls calls.
Circle changes all of that.
Circle gives you permission to let go and reconnect with yourself.
Circle allows you to show up in your shit and not fear what the others will think, because you know you’re in a safe container.
Circle gives each woman the opportunity to step-in to themselves in ways they never thought possible.
The deep connection with other women that Circle provides begins to heal the sister wound we all carry.
There’s so much Circle provides.
I have Circle Sisters across the world that I would have never gotten to know, if it weren’t for this sacred gathering.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Women need Women. Women need to gather. Women need to circle.
I’m more convinced of that than ever.