What are you Allowing?

What are you allowing? 

Think about it. 

There are things in your life that you’re unhappy with, that you’ve allowed. 

We’ve all done it. 

We allow out of obligation, guilt, pressure, fear, and a myriad of other reasons.

In that allowing, we’ve lost or hidden pieces of ourselves. We’ve hidden our deepest desires and dreams, because we’ve allowed the expectations of others to dictate the direction of our lives. 

We allow fear to keep us stuck in the same place, because we’ve grown accustomed to our comfort zone. 

We’ve allowed fear or guilt to keep unhealthy people in our lives, because we don’t want to make them feel uncomfortable or bad. 

We’ve allowed the thoughts and opinions of others to keep us playing small, because we don’t want to upset the status quo. 

We’ve allowed so much and through that allowing we’ve become exhausted, over extended, unhappy, and fearful. 

It’s time to pick up your sword sweet sister and start cutting the cords on those things you’ve allowed that are not serving you. 






Whatever you’ve allowed, that you know you need to let go of, it’s time. 

Time to unravel, and step into your authentic truth. 

A simple tool to help you but the cord, is to visualize yourself cutting a cord that is attached to the person, emotion or situation you want to release yourself from. 


You could take a piece of rope or string, visualize the person, emotion or situation you want to release from, and then cut the cord. 

Each exercise symbolizes you releases what you need to. 

After the exercise, you’ll need to put boundaries around your new freedom and take the necessary actions to change your behaviors, so as to not pick them up again. 

What have you been allowing that you know you need to release? 


The Healing Medicine of Circle


Uncovering Your Divine Essence