The Power of Fear

Fear of Failure, fear of success, fear of criticism, fear of judgement, fear of being called out as a fraud, fear of not knowing enough, fear of being seen, fear of being wrong, fear having to defend my position or beliefs, fear of being too much. 

Wow, such a powerful attachment to fear as it underlies everything I do. 

This is why it’s so important to reclaim our wild, to reclaim those pieces of us that have been tamed. 

We’ve been programmed to fear, to stay put, so we stay small, we don’t rock the boat, we deny ourselves our dreams and desires. 

It’s exhausting. 

And quite frankly, I’m sick of it. 

As you can see, I’m not immune from these programs and paradigms society has placed on women. 

I’ve struggled my whole life with unworthiness. My top two: I’m not enough and I’m too much. 

But within my journey, I’ve been able to recognize these old stories. When the falsehoods begin to pop up, I can feel them seeping in when my energetics are low. 

And I’ve learned, and am still learning that they aren’t based truth, at least not my truth. 

The truths of others have defined my story for far too long and over the years, I reclaimed the rightful place of author of my own story. Taking away the pen (and power) from the people and shadows who’ve written far too many chapters of a lesser version of me. 

My story isn’t for others to write. 

Yes, they may have been characters in a few chapters, but they don’t know this version of me. 

The healed version. 

The powerful version. 

The authentic version. 

The aligned version. 

The no filters version. 

The no mask wearing version. 

The FREE version. 

The ME version. 

If you’re like me, and your story was written by multiple authors, leaving you as only the main characters, instead of both author and main character, then it’s time to take back the pen and create YOUR story. 

The story of letting go of the limiting beliefs that have held you back. The story of recognizing your self sabotaging behaviors that have been a constant in your life, the story of befriending your fear instead of allowing it to be the foundation on which you stand, the story of taking off your masks and stepping into YOUR full power. The story of replacing and rewriting your story: the story of your dreams and desires, and living a life you love. 

You can replace limiting beliefs. 

You can Recongnzie and stop self sabotage in its tracks. 

You can make friends with your fear and use it to propel you forward. 

You are worthy.


Womb Healing


Sacred Souls: Post Abortion Healing