Womb Healing

When I was in graduate school, it was a requirement to take a human sexuality course. It was a deep dive into sexuality and part of our requirement was to write our own story around sex and intimacy. 

To say I was terrified was an understatement. 

I remember sitting down to write this story and the tears flowed. There was so much shame and fear around it. 

Yet, I came out of that course renewed in some ways. There was a sense of freedom in sharing my story instead of hiding it in secrecy and shame. 

It actually became my favorite class because I learned so much about myself and also others. 

A few years back I began to study to be a sex coach. I’ll be honest, I got scared and quit. I let what others would think of me hold me back and it’s a decision I regret. 

Sacred Sexuality is such an important body of work yet not many people are doing it and there are many others who want no part of it. 

So as womb work has been on my mind for the past few years, I’m stepping into it. 

I should have known I couldn’t get away from this line of work. It’s too important, it’s too big and I’ve been called to it over and over again. 

Yesterday I began a course on Womb Reiki. You may not know but I’m a certified Reiki Master and absolutely love energy work. 

I’ve been Vaginal Steaming for a few years and this was my first dive into really caring for this sacred space. 

We’ve been programmed as a society too detach from this space. It’s deemed dirty or shameful, or just made for one thing (birthing) so we ignore it and believe the lies society has sold us. 

Our womb space is so much more than that. 

It’s a creative portal, not only for humans but for our desires and dreams. 

So often, when we’re blocked from this space, we aren’t living out the life we desire. 

We store trauma in our womb. 

We store unresolved emotions in our womb. 

We store the energies, patterns and emotions from our feminine ancestral line. 

There’s so much the womb stores and it shows up in our lives in various ways, that we don’t even question. 

As I step into this deep, sacred work, I find myself vacillating between excitement and fear. It’s unknown territory in some ways, and it other ways it feels like a coming home. 

To begin this journey, I’m starting with what I know: Post Abortion Healing. 

As a post-abortive woman, I know first hand the shame, secrecy and pain that can come with that choice. 

My 6-week post abortion journey: Sacred Souls, begins Monday. 

If you’re a post abortive woman, and you’re feeling the nudge to join me, I want to invite you into this safe and sacred container. 

Did you know 1 in 3 women have had an abortion? Next time you’re in a room full of people, look around, there are countless women walking around with this womb wound, that has gone unhealed. 

In this journey we will: 

Connect with and share our story. 

Uncover limiting beliefs from this soul wound. 

Recognize unhealthy patterns and behaviors from this wound. 

Grieve and Release our Sacred Soul

Heal our wombs and wounds

Celebrate our journey.

By doing so, we can truly live in free, and embody fearless, fabulous freedom. 

You may be thinking, I’m fine, I made my choice and have dealt with it. 

Yet, the impact of abortion is pervasive. It leaves an incredibly deep wound that most women don’t recognize. 

It shows up in different behaviors:



Numbing with Substances

Unhealthy Relationships

Limiting Beliefs

Feeling Stuck 

Blocked or Stuck Emotions 

We make excuses and ignore the way this wound has been showing up in our lives, because we believe it’s too painful to look back on that part of our story. 

I understand. I didn’t want to look back their either. The resistance that came up was heavy and I “everything’s fined” my way through life. 

But everything wasn’t fine. 

Many of my relationships were unhealthy. 

I numbed with alcohol. 

I was a terrible communicator. 

I put up thick walls. 

My emotions were all over the place. 

I didn’t like who I saw staring back at me in the mirror. 

I self-sabotaged constantly. 

I hid parts of myself and never shared my emotions. 

Finding freedom and healing from this soul/womb wound is vital to our journey of healing, growth and expansion. 

Our wombs are sacred portals, a place of creation and power however they also store trauma that needs to be healed and released. 

As we heal this soul sound, we’ll also focus on womb healing through vaginal steaming. 

This practice, has been around for ages, used by healers, around the world with its roots based in China, Africa, Central America and South American and Korea.  In Sanskrit “Yoni” means vagina or womb. 

This practice is sacred and something I believe all women should partake in. 

So, my Sacred Sister, are you ready to step-in and reclaim this sacred space, heal one of your deepest wounds, and reclaim your freedom. 

The group will begin March 27th 

Time: 1pm EST-3pm EST via zoom 

Space is limited. 

What you’ll receive:

Safe and Sacred Container to Show up authentically without fear of judgement or criticism.

Workbook/Journal for the Journey

Customized Steam Plan 

Vaginal Steam Herbs for the journey 

Group Support via Slack 

Distance Reiki Session 

Will you give your Sacred Yes?

Learn more ————-> HERE


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