Your Words Hold Power

Words are powerful. 

They have to ability to lift you up or tear you down. 

Have you ever stopped to really listen to how you speak to yourself? 

For years I was my worst critic. 

The limiting beliefs and negative tape that played on loop was incredibly destructive. 

As I work with more and more women, I’ve come to realize the programming from our society has done quite a number on how us women see ourselves and how speak to ourselves. 

We’ve been hard wired to believe: 

We’re too much 

We’re not worthy

We’re less than

We’re too bossy

We’re too emotional 

We’re too needy 

We’re too bitchy 

We’re too strong 

We’re too weak 

Do you see the disparity? 

How can we ever be anything other than what society has deemed us to be? 

🦚By taking back our power. 

🦚By healing. 

🦚By showing up fully. 

🦚By using our voices. 

🦚By not shrinking back. 

🦚By rewiring our negative mindset. 

🦚By breaking down the patriarchal walls that have been built to keep us in place. 

🦚By connecting to our heart and womb and loving from those beautiful spaces. 

🦚By reconnecting to our intuition. 

Watch your words Wild Heart… they will build you up or tear you down. 

How have your words or the words of others influenced the way you show up in the world? 


Post-Abortion Healing Journey


Womb Healing