Beyond the Choice: 6-week Post Abortion Healing Journey


A Journey to Healing and Wholeness After Abortion.

Hidden in shame and secrecy, the pain of abortion is almost always in isolation.

Scared to share one of our deepest wounds, women around the world suffer in silence.

The stigma of abortion has divided people for a very long time, and post-abortive women have felt the brunt of that division. Fear of judgement, criticism, rejection, abandonment, and ridicule, post abortive women have remained tight lipped in a world that tells us we have a right to choose. 

As a post-abortive women, I know first hand the shame and secrecy that comes with that choice. I suffered for years, unable to share my deepest wound, because I feared what others would think of me. 

In a world that fights for women’s rights, no-one gives the post-abortive woman permission to grieve. 

If you’ve been suffering and grieving alone, painfully hurting on the inside, while putting on a brave face to the outside world. Then this transformational healing journey is for you.

You don’t have to:

Suffer in Silence.

Carry Around Guilt and Shame.

Feel Less Then.

Hide pieces of you.

Worry about what others will think.

Feel as though you don’t have the right to grieve.

In a Safe and Sacred Container, over the course of 6 weeks, you can:

Release Shame: The negative feelings that have you believe this choice defines you.

Stop hiding pieces of yourself for fear that your truth will not be accepted by others.

Grieve in a safe container, where you will be seen, heard and loved FOR ALL OF YOU.

Learn to love all parts of yourself, and establish a healthier relationship with you.

Find FREEDOM from the weight of this soul wound.

You don’t have to go it alone.

Beyond the Choice is a 6 week healing journey for the post-abortive woman. (we meet virtually)
