Midlife Mystery
Is Peri-Menopause a great awakening?
Yes, or at least it can be.
It’s a time to look at how you feel, rediscover who you, and embrace your desires.
For most women, we’ve put ourselves on the back burner for much of our lives. Raising children, our career and our significant other have taken precedence over ourselves. Although we’ve done this willingly, without out thought or care, we’re in a chapter now where we can pour into ourselves. Give in to those desires and urges and create a beautiful newness to our lives, where we can go within, figure out what it is we want and how we want to feel.
How do you want to feel?
Do you constantly feel negative emotion?
Those negative emotions are your guidance system to those places you need to heal and let go of.
Only you can change you.
This is the time to stop blaming others for where you are in your life and start taking responsibility for where you are and how you feel.
Sure, situations and people can make you feel a certain way, but only because you continue to allow it.
I played the blame game for far too long.
Playing that game led to a myriad of negative emotions because I never had to be accountable for where I was or how I was feeling.
I simply had to place blame else where.
But in doing so nothing changed The negative emotions I felt were still there, like a lighthouse in the darkness, they were a beacon showing me what I needed to heal and let go of.
Midlife is a time to examine what it is you want and how you want to feel. A time to embody who you truly are and start allowing yourself to step toward your dreams and those good feelings you’ve been longing for.
It’s time to let your creativity flow Wild Heart.
Heal those places that you’ve left unhealed, forgive yourself and embrace this beautiful vibrant time.
It’s here for you.
So I ask you again, how do you want to feel?
Download my Perimenopause Survival Guide ————> HERE