Release What Feels Heavy

I’ve been releasing anything that’s felt heavy over the last few months. 

At the end of August I began to feel a heaviness settle over me. 

I was tired, irritable, and feeling extremely distracted. 

My norm is to suck it up and push through, but something inside of me was aching. 

Aching for a slow down, aching to feel lighter, aching to not feel so scattered, aching to have more time for me. 

As September rolled around, I knew there were things I needed to release but the thought of letting them go was unsettling. 

Who would I be without them? 

How could I let them go? 

I realized my identity was wrapped up in many things that were making me feel heavy. 

Heavy energy is no joke. 

When you feel it, you can’t ignore it. 

So I began the release. 

Some people were upset with me. Others appreciated my honesty. Others wondered what was wrong. 

For me personally, there was freedom in the release. 

Letting go is never easy, especially when we’ve allowed our identity to get wrapped up in things. 

But the sweetness that comes from listening to your higher self is pure bliss. 

I feel lighter. 

I feel expansive. 

I feel curious. 

I feel energized. 

I feel focused. 

But most of all, I feel FREE. 

Take a moment to check in with yourself. 

Does anything feel heavy? 

Where in your body are you feeling the heaviness? 

What do you need to release? 


What are your Divine Desires?


The Struggle with Unworthiness