The Struggle with Unworthiness

Do you every struggle with feeling unworthy? 

Feelings of unworthiness are rampant among women. They struggle with feeling as though they don't measure up, aren't good enough, or just feel as though they don't deserve any better. 

I get it. I was once one of those women. For a very long time, I struggled with those feelings of unworthiness which of course led to negative behaviors on my part, which then led to negative consequences. 

I never felt as though I deserved any better than what I had. I started to settle. I started to believe that this was all there was to life so I had better get used to it. I felt completely stuck in my life with no clear direction on how to change it. 

Do you ever feel this way? 

I have worked on myself since 2002. That was the year I finally said, "enough is enough." I took back control of my life by going within, dealing with all my junk and learning to love myself for who I was. 

Yes, It took some time. There was a lot to clear out. Negative patterns and beliefs are a little tricky to overcome at first. They've been with us for so long we believe they're true, but the truth is they can be overcome and replaced by new beliefs. 

I use to believe my past defined me. UGH. That was a huge one to get over. What I learned is, my past does not define me. My past is full of lessons teaching me two things, what I want and what I don't want. That's it. There's nothing I've done in my past that defines me today. I don't let my past hold me back because at the time, I was doing the best I could with the information I had. Yes, I had some faulty information, so my decisions weren't great, but they still didn't define who I was.  

I want you to know, your past doesn't define you either. Nothing, I mean, nothing that you have done, defines who you are. 

You are worthy. 
You are enough. 
You are worth it. 
You are beautiful. 
You are good. 

I just wanted you to know that this morning. 

Can you do something for me? Can say the following out loud: 

  1. At this moment, I choose to release the past and look forward to the good that awaits me.

  2. With each new breath, I inhale strength and exhale fear. I am learning that it is safe for me to heal and grow.

  3. At this moment, I choose to feel calm and peaceful. Everything is unfolding as it should.

  4. I choose to fill my mind with positive, nurturing, and healing thoughts.

  5. There are no mistakes, only lessons to be learned. I did the best I could.

Did you do it? Good. Now take them with you and say them to yourself every day. I promise you, you'll start to feel a positive shift in your life. 

I'm always in your corner! 


Release What Feels Heavy


The pain of the sister wound