Simple Somatic Practice to Move Stuck Energy
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

Simple Somatic Practice to Move Stuck Energy

I’ve been deep diving into somatic practices.

One of the things I’ve learned is that anytime we have any sort of trauma or hurt, that energy gets stuck in our body.

Many of us are operating with stuck energy, not understanding that some of our behaviors and actions are actually from past hurt and trauma.

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The Power in Aging
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

The Power in Aging

There’s a beautiful shift that happens as we age, and my forties have been an incredible time of self discovery and expansion. I’ve come to a place where I actually love who I am, and love the life I live. There was a time where I didn't always feel this way. I was afraid of getting older and didn't want to age, however I have found that my forties truly are fabulous.

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What are your Divine Desires?
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

What are your Divine Desires?

What is it that you desire? 

What are those dreams in your heart that you've yet to birth? 

What does your life look like if it was everything you imagined? 

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Release What Feels Heavy
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

Release What Feels Heavy

I’ve been releasing anything that’s felt heavy over the last few months.

At the end of August I began to feel a heaviness settle over me.

I was tired, irritable, and feeling extremely distracted.

My norm is to suck it up and push through, but something inside of me was aching.

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The Struggle with Unworthiness
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

The Struggle with Unworthiness

Do you every struggle with feeling unworthy? 

Feelings of unworthiness are rampant among women.

They struggle with feeling as though they don't measure up, aren't good enough, or just feel as though they don't deserve any better. 

I get it. I was once one of those women. For a very long time, I struggled with those feelings of unworthiness which of course led to negative behaviors on my part, which then led to negative consequences. 

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The pain of the sister wound
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

The pain of the sister wound

I was incredibly hurt

On Saturday, I found out that someone I considered a friend, blocked me on social media.

I had no idea I was blocked until I specifically asked a mutual friend.

At first, I was really hurt.

I cared about this person and I loved our connection.

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Descend into Your Darkness
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

Descend into Your Darkness

To descend into our darkness isn’t an easy journey, but I believe it’s a necessary one.

Most of the time we suppress our shadows because of what they bring up for us

Shame, fear, betrayal, longing, passion, hurt, hunger, broken trust, intuitiveness, transparency, embarrassment, hidden truths, etc.

Who we are at our core is hidden in our shadows. If we can’t look at them we’re choosing to suppress pieces of ourselves.

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Befriend Your Inner Mean Girl
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

Befriend Your Inner Mean Girl

My inner mean girl has been an a rampage for the last week.

She’s questioned my parenting, used every negative belief I’ve ever had against me, has had me crying more than I’ve cried in a very long time, and had me really wanting to throw in the towel and just runaway.

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The Journey of Healing
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

The Journey of Healing


It’s not linear.

It’s an ever evolving journey to becoming your best self.

You may disagree with me, but I don’t think we “ever arrive.” I mean, what fun would that be anyway?

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Moving Through Resistance
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

Moving Through Resistance

We had a beautiful circle last night which revolved around the theme of “renewal.”

The women that stepped in shared so deeply and openly. I’m always so honored that they trust me with this journey.

I’m not gonna lie. I had a rough week. My back pain was out of control and I was in excruciating pain for days. I wanted to cancel this circle. I didn’t want to show up. I wanted to pull the covers over my head and just sleep until the pain went away.

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It’s Better to Trust Yourself and Be Wrong, Than to Not Trust Yourself
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

It’s Better to Trust Yourself and Be Wrong, Than to Not Trust Yourself

Have you ever struggled to make a decision or enter into a commitment because you didn’t trust your ability to make the right choice? How many times have you gotten a feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was not right? Did you pay attention to your intuition or did you ignore it? Deep in our core, we know what is best for us. So why don’t we trust that?

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The Wild Woman Will Shape the New Earth
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

The Wild Woman Will Shape the New Earth

The Wild Woman Will Shape the New Earth podcast. Come listen as I’m interviewed by Angel Quintana, founder of Holistic Fashionista and Sacred Anarchy. Angel is my mentor and I am honored to be on her podcast. We talk about all things Wild Woman and why I’m so passionate about all women reclaiming their wild.

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What are you Allowing?
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

What are you Allowing?

What are you allowing?

Think about it.

There are things in your life that you’re unhappy with, that you’ve allowed.

We’ve all done it.

We allow out of obligation, guilt, pressure, fear, and a myriad of other reasons.

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Uncovering Your Divine Essence
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

Uncovering Your Divine Essence

The more I unpack the layers of myself, and release those things that no longer serve me, the more I step into my divine power.

I can look back at myself over the years and see myself, but don’t actually recognize myself at all.

Doing inner work, changes you

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Healing the Sister Wound
Jennifer Kittredge Jennifer Kittredge

Healing the Sister Wound

The sister wound runs deep my friends.

After my post on instagram yesterday, I had so many messages about sister wounds.

Women are afraid to show up in circle, because they’ve been hurt and betrayed by women in their past.

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